Friday, September 17, 2010

Birthday Boys

Its about time I gave a shout out to our resident Virgos...

This little guy celebrated his 1st birthday on September 16th.
I have dozens of photos of the event and will post more shortly....Stats:
Occupation: spoiled youngest child
Favorite Pastime: being held, growing teeth, drinking milk, standing up, singing himself to sleep
Birthday Fare: French Toast Sticks and his own birthday cake
Birthday Activities: First Gymboree class
Little known fact: He still only has one tooth and up until one week ago, could not roll himself over... must be a late bloomer-- like his Dad.
We really can't help but spoil this kid. He makes us crazy but makes us laugh out loud each day. We love his little cantankerous and expressive personality.

This not so little guy celebrated his 33rd birthday on September 2nd.Stats:
Occupation: Fantastic husband, Dad, professional Project Manager, and newly called Ward Scout Master
Favorite Pastime: If it has to do with motorcycles, classic cars, or guns...he's in!
Birthday Fare: Chimichangas and cheesecake
Birthday Activities: Shopping, eating out, family party, and celebrating a love of unicorns with his friends
Little Known Fact: My nerdy husband raised "prize-winning" pigeons when he was a kid.
We tend to spoil Lance too, but can't help it. The kids and I are so lucky. Lance is what makes our house such a fun place to be-- even in his "advanced years". If he's around, we are laughing.

Happy Birthday, Guys!


Ellen said...

You have 3 very fine looking young men at your house. Watching Chase demolish the cake was the highlight of my day!