Monday, March 15, 2010

Tobin Brady

Lance is in charge of Tobin's hair. This usually means that Lance is the one to shave Tobin every few months. I am scared of clippers and therefore make a big deal about "Lance being completely in charge of Tobin's hair."

This has come back to bite me.

This is how I think Tobin looks best:

But this is Lance's vision for Tobin's hair:

And I suspect (and fear) that this is what it will look like in a few months:
Good thing that kid has such a cute face.


Lori said...

Not to worry, Kir. That's not gonna work with the cowlicks, for sure. You just better go with todays style of the pointy hair, for however long that lasts!

Ellen said...

So you learned how to Photoshop. You are very clever.

Heidi Lyn said...

Dork! I like Tobin's hair long too. Let's see where it goes??! Can't wait to see Easter & birthday pictures.

Jen said...

Ian told me about this. I thought he was making it up. Never underestimate the RasFam...