Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Six Months- Fun and Games

Chase is six months old today. I just love this age.

He is starting to play with toys. We have so many baby contraptions that my home looks like a Babies R Us showroom.He is a great eater (not much of a surprise there).

He is happy as long as he has someone's undivided attention-- its probably a good thing that he is the youngest of the brood. He will most likely be happily spoiled all the days of his life by his older siblings and parents. He is decidedly less awkward-looking. His random bald spots have filled in. His eyes no longer appear crossed-- okay, well maybe a little. His baby fat has taken over... everywhere. Its ridiculous and adorable.

Since he is our last baby, I am quickly finding myself becoming one of those annoying moms who mourns the passing of each baby stage. I will say things like, "I just packed away his 0-3 month clothes" and then make a frowny-face. Yeah... its annoying. But unavoidable.


Ellen said...

He's such a cute little guy! I can't wait to come home and play with him!

Jen said...

The last picture of the two of you is darling. I love it!

Hua said...
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