Friday, March 19, 2010


My Dad speaks German. Both of my parents speak Czech. My older sister speaks Bulgarian. My brother thinks he can speak French. Me? I speak Mom-ese.

I don't mean to brag, but from Boppy to Bumbo-- I am fluent in the language of babies and baby gear. Exersaucers, walkers, infant seats, bouncy seats, car seats, jumperoos, play gyms, and a multitude of swings have been a part of Rasmussen decor for years now.

We have had an ongoing familial struggle over strollers. It seems that each new situation calls for a different type of stroller.

With Zoie we owned a travel system stroller, a jogger, and an umbrella stroller.

When Tobin came around we upgraded to a double stroller, a double jogger, a sit-n-stand and retained the umbrella stroller. This doesn't sound too unreasonable until you account for the amount of space that each stroller takes up. And then account for a lack of storage space in our garage and car.

And now I have three children of my own and a fourth during the week. Even with the "Black Beast"-- our giant SUV-- we just could not handle the stroller inventory necessary to transport (and restrain) these kids. After years of explaining to Lance why I needed four strollers in the garage (his domain)-- I promised him that I would look for one magical stroller that I could keep in the car at all times.

And so, with varying degrees of remorse, we have parted ways with the following:

Graco tandem duoglider (again with the Mom-ese). Bulky, heavy and cumbersome. But took a beating (particularly that time it fell off the Busch Gardens tram) and it was easy to navigate. Too big to keep in the car.Baby Trend Sit n Stand-- fabulous concept. The easiest and most practical of the group. But the birth of the third makes it a moot point. Again, too big for the car.
Baby Trend Expedition double jogger. There just doesn't seem to be a time in which I can jog with only two kids. The largest stroller of the group. But fantastic for beach trips.Single umbrella stroller-- the word single says it all.With our proceeds from the sale of the aforementioned items, we purchased this:Chicco Citta Twin umbrella stroller. Is lightweight and fits great in the car. I am thrilled to always have a stroller on hand. The kids love sitting in it and sometimes fight over the coveted stroller seats. However, it is too wide for many doorways and is a bit unwieldy. But Lance is happy to have a stroller-free garage and I am happy to no longer have to justify each and every stroller to him.

If you happen to see a manueverable, lightweight, inexpensive quadruple umbrella stroller-- let me know!