Monday, February 8, 2010


I do not claim to be a devoted football fan, but I never miss a Superbowl. I think any event that centers around food (and junk food, at that!) is bound to meet my approval. And truth be told, although I am partial to ice hockey, football is just an awesome spectator sport.

Rasmussen Superbowl Review:
Dilemma: Who to root for. This guy is hilarious on Saturday Night Live (a rarity for athletes):But in the end, my ties to the South (and my need to root for the underdog won out)It was just an awesome game.

Commercials: I have to give this year's award to Doritos. I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw a "Dorito blow dart" and Betty White. Hilarious.Food: Some of the best blue cheese burgers ever.

I know that if there are any true football fans reading this, they are rolling their eyes at my Superbowl review. Get over it. There is plenty of room for all football fans in the NFL-- even fair weather fans, such as myself.


Heidi Lyn said...

So . . . who won? I was watching a Millionaire Matchmaker marathon on Bravo.

Jen said...

Let me answer this for Heidi...

I would have LOVED to have watched the Millionaire Matchmaker marathon last night. Alas, I was forced to watch the most over-hyped event of the country's most overrated sport. The Saints won.

Having said that, the commercials ARE hilarious! And any excuse to get together with friends and eat cheeseburgers is good in my book. Glad you enjoyed it Kira!

Kira said...

I'm going to argue this one with you, Jen. The country's most overrated spectator sport is WITHOUT QUESTION baseball. Sucks to watch. Football= fun to watch. Let's just agree on ice hockey.

Ellen said...

Chase in a Bucs jersey! How cute is that?!