Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I was going through some old pictures yesterday and I came across some pictures of Zoie when she was Chase's age. I couldn't believe how much they look alike. They are all "Rasmussen"-- with pale skin and blue eyes.

It will be hard for me to prove to those who live long distance that they do, in fact, look alike. Here is why:

Zoie is and always has been very photogenic. We have hundreds of really cute pictures of her as a baby.Chase, on the other hand... well-- here is an example of a typical picture of Chase:

Chase is a sweet and cute little baby. He is not actually cross-eyed. He is not as odd and lumpy as his pictures suggest. He just takes after his Mama-- I don't photograph well (or maybe I am just deluding myself... I can't really be that chubby, right??)

There really is a strong family resemblance between Chase and Zoie.

Chase and Tobin on the other hand... not so much.


Heidi Lyn said...

I'll see them live and in person in a few weeks and will let you know the verdict.

Lori said...

That's AWESOME!!!!!! But really now, we wouldn't want Chase being as beautiful as Zoie.

Nieldfam said...

What cuties! When Gav and Zoie get married they will have ADORABLE babies!!!

Ellen said...

I love the lumpy cross-eyed look!