Wednesday, September 12, 2012

For the Last Time

I am potty training this week. For the last time.  This has become my mantra- "This is the last time I will ever have to do this."  Repeated over and over again-- in my head and out loud.  (Well, that and "potty training is for sucks".  I say that a lot too.)

Actually, Chase hasn't been that bad.  For starters, he and I are alone from 7:30 until 4:15 every day.  He gets way more personal attention than Zoie and Tobin ever did at this age.  Also, Slappy will be 3 this Sunday.  His "advanced" age have made this (relatively) painless.  And I am really not nearly as busy as I would have been if I were still living in Florida (read: not much social life).  I'm kind of enjoying that part.

Slappy has always been a challenging kid-- mostly due to his stubborn, loud personality.  But with all of this "alone" time that he and I have every day, I'm developing quite a soft spot for the kid.  I don't even mind (much) asking him in a happy, excited voice 10X an hour, "Want to go potty?" 

For the last time.  Ever.


Heidi Lyn said...

I really think you cursed yourself with this post. Call me when you're pregnant with #4.

Chase is the cutest.

Unknown said...

Aw, that's the cutest picture ever. And it will make great blackmail material when he's older.

Jen said...

What?! No pictures of him running pantsless through the yard?!

Molly said...

Way to go..He is a cutie pie!!! I will pay you to do Wyatt as well :) ...I have absolutely no desire to do it...I figured one day he will do it at least before 5 or 6.