Sunday, July 3, 2011

Grandes Pendientes

I have expressed my passion for giant earrings previously on this blog. I am never fully dressed and ready for the day until I am wearing a pair of ridiculously, unnecessarily large earrings. I love them. They bring a little "glam" to my jeans and t-shirt wardrobe.

My mom and I were on the annual birthday shopping trip last week when we ran into an accessory clearance sale. I found a plethora of HUGE earrings and I couldn't help myself.

That night at a "girlfriend dinner celebration", my friends did not hesitate to let me know that my recent purchases pushed the limits-- even for me. As they were mocking me, they noticed that on the wall of the Mexican restaurant was a portrait of a dark haired girl with ridiculously large earrings. They took a picture and every time I look at it, it cracks me up.

I have awesome friends. I value sincerity and humor above most other personality traits-- and so I love having people in my life who can be blunt and honest and make me laugh at myself (and at them in return) until my stomach hurts.


Heidi Lyn said...

It was SUCH a fun night! Happy Birthday!

Jenna said...

Haha that is pretty funny that u match the picture!! Happy birthday!!

Ellen said...

That accessory sale was AMAZING!! We need to go back. You can never have too much bling! By the way, you should autograph that picture. It looks just like you!