Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A "Cool" Father's Day

Remember my "gripe" post about Mother's Day? We spent a small fortune on our relatively new air conditioner just before Mother's Day. I jokingly implied that I received air conditioning for Mother's Day.

Well, although Lance was out of town for Father's Day, we still sought to find him the perfect present-- something that said, "You are the best Dad in the world, we love you so much". As it turns out, he received this:Yes-- another air conditioning bill that well exceeded the one thousand dollar mark. Ouch. It was an expensive gift-- but nothing but the best for Lance!

Actually, I was able to go visit Lance in Houston for Father's Day and we also got him some edited versions of movies he's been wanting to see for a while. (The Hangover and Due Date-- both hilarious and perfectly edited).

I am known for getting people "fun" gifts that, while slightly entertaining, are fairly impractical. For example, last year I gave Lance a pair of HD sunglasses and last Christmas, I bought Steven a ghost meter and a ghost hunting guide to NYC. In short, I am kind of a terrible gift giver. I have way too much fun in the AS SEEN ON TV store at the mall. I love receiving gifts that are fun and unexpected. I am just now learning that not everyone feels the same way.

So, to keep up the tradition, we also bought Lance an Aluma-wallet for Father's Day. The commercial boasts that it is indestructible and can survive being run over by a car. I can now tell you from first-hand experience that this is not true. The "indestructible aluma-wallet" died a painful death in a Houston driveway minutes after it was opened.


Chrinny said...

Your blog is hilarious!! Oh and where did you get the edited movies?