Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

We upheld our Rasmussen family tradition and went to Busch Gardens for Christmas Eve. Perfect weather, perfect kids, perfect day.Chase rode his first kiddie ride by himself. He seemed very unimpressed.
We then had our Christmas Eve "Program" with the Slovaceks (the first one since 2006!). This included the nativity play and homemade gifts-- one of my very favorite parts of Christmas. This year I drew Lance's name and made him a "manly" Snugglie. He hasn't taken it off since. (Matt made a Rasmussen Family Puzzle-- which I am holding).

After putting the kids to bed and making preparations for Christmas morning (oh--the batteries!), Lance and I indulged in the 8th season of 24. Needless to say -- it was a late night with Jack Bauer.


johanson family said...

yay! i love that your parents are back, even though i don't see them, i feel like i've missed them! i love the pictures are am so glad lil chase had his mud flaps removed. love and miss you all!