Thursday, July 1, 2010


"Solitude is painful when one is young, but delightful when one is more mature. "
Albert Einstein

I must be very mature, then. For my birthday, a friend took the kids for the whole day and I got to run errands by myself! It was amazing. I took a ridiculous amount of pictures to document the fun of my day. I was going to post them all... but its just a bunch of pictures of me. And let's face it-- no one wants to see that.

But there was a lot of this
And this

And a huge grin on my face in every picture

Lance took me out for some shoe shopping and dinner that eveningThe kids came home and we celebrated with cupcakes
It may not look like much-- but it was absolutely perfect to me!

The next day, Heidi and Jen surprised me with a dessert/Eclipse night with some friends. After consuming cheesecake, we went to see the midnight showing of Eclipse at a theater that a friend had rented out for the occasion. It was awesome to walk by all the long lines and slip into the theater just as the movie began. Such a fun night. Thanks again, guys.


Wrights said...

You just described my pefect day. Eating, diet Coke, and errands without kids. How nice! All I got for my birthday were major contractions:)

Natalie said...

Sounds perfect to me too! Happy birthday!

johanson family said...

cuuuute, wish i could be there to celebrate with you. love ya!