Monday, May 3, 2010

Just In Case You Were Wondering...

Lately, I have just been posting pictures-- no meaty substance. So today, I will just post some random thoughts and updates (still no substance, mind you).

  • Potty training is going quite well-- though we are still working on "two-sies". Any advice is appreciated and welcomed.
  • Last night, I overheard Tobin tell Zoie, "You are the most wonderfulest girl ever." He is such a sweet boy-- I honestly don't know where he got that trait from (and I swear I have taught him better grammar than that!)
  • On Saturday, Lance and I had an entire "kid free" day. We went to Busch Gardens. We arrived at 9 am, rode our favorite four rides and were back at our car by 10:30-- just as hordes of tourists were stampeding the entrance. Poor saps. It was so hot. I love having Busch Gardens/water park passes. We spent the remainder of the day napping, working out and watching CSI reruns. It was heaven.
  • I hated the book, "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. So what possessed me to rent the movie? I hated it, too. Shocker.
  • Speaking of bad books, Danielle Steele (once a favorite of mine) is absolutely un-readable. She is officially the WORST WRITER EVER! And yet, I continue to find myself perusing the "S" shelf in the library.
  • After a year and a half, I am still LOVING my church calling as Primary Counselor. I am so lucky.
  • Not a day goes by that I don't think to myself- "I absolutely love my car".
  • I am considering petitioning locally for an anti-abortion initiative to be put on the state ballot next year. I would love to have the people of this state decide whether abortion should be legal in Florida-- not the federal courts. I am pleased that Mississippi got it on their ballot for next year.
  • My parents get back from their (3 year) mission in roughly two months. I don't know who is most excited-- me or the kids.
  • Zoie is taking swim lessons and is the best in her class. I swam competitively at her age and am so excited for her to learn.
Just a glimpse into the devious mind of a Mom/Mormon/wife/Republican/avid reader/Floridian/daughter, etc...


Ellen said...

Here are some random comments on your post: Who took the kids?? That's MY job. I've been telling you for years and years and YEARS that barring the inmates at Hillsborough Correctional Institution, Danielle Steele is the worst writer EVER.

Wrights said...

Great post. Especially the part about Lovely Bones! I couldn't stop reading it, but hated it the whole time!

The first 'numer 2' was hard with Delylah too. I finally just had to sit her on the potty when I noticed she hadn't gone for a while (and was uncomfortable) and sing her favorite song over and over. And over. But it's been smooth sailing ever since.

Heidi Lyn said...

Lovely bones is awful. Tobin is the sweetest boy ever. When I was there he kept calling Zoie his "princess". Sweet and borderline creepy. I'm pretty sure neither Steven nor Matthew ever referred to us as princesses.

Lori said...

You've got the wonderfulest kids. And I'm pretty sure that word is in the dictionary, the 2-year-olds anyway. How cute! Do they every fight?

Nieldfam said...

Ahhhh....we miss you! I can't believe your parents are coming home. How exciting!!! These next two months are going to feel like forever. Where are they going to live? Are they still renting their house?

Downey Small Engine Repair said...

Lovely bblog you have here