Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Buddy Boy Turns 3

For Tobin's big day we took the family (minus the baby) to see this movie:
L-O-V-E-D IT! I feel like all of the kids movies I have seen recently rank somewhere between boring and mediocre. This one was awesome.

After the movie:
We also had some friends over for s'mores and chocolate cake (who needs a main course, anyway?) Check out the Ladies' Man...

Tobin's only birthday request was going to Chick-Fil-A. Of course, we obliged. Here is a picture of him and his best friend taken just prior to them running a muck in the play area:(Please note the progress of the afro in the pics...)


Ellen said...

Smores and chocolate cake! Throw in some hot dogs, and you've got yourself a real American feast! Loved the pictures! (I like Zoie's brown boots--tres chic!) Looks like Tobin couldn't be happier.

Natalie said...

Happy birthday to Tobin the ladies man!

Danielle Harris said...

I can't believe he is 3! Very fun for you guys! So, names... we have found that we are drawn to feminine, easy to say and spell, somewhat traditional but not too common names. We have now made a list and are narrowing it down! Chris already shot down my fav and I shot down his but there are some other cute ones. I'll take suggestions!

Sarah said...

Happy birthday, Tobin! He is such a cute boy. Matt took Dax to see the dragon movie and they both loved it and have not stopped talking about it. I'm glad that Tobin had such a great birthday!

Heidi Lyn said...

I LOVE THE HAIR! Keep it growing. It sounds like a perfect birthday. I loved getting to talk to the kids over the weekend. I think we should do it more often.