Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Rallying Rasmussens

Once again, Lance and I participated in our ward's annual Pinewood Derby activity. (As a reminder, our ward Pinewood Derby is for all ages.)

In the past, Lance and I have made some pretty cool cars with fairly abysmal results on the race track. Regardless of our speed (or lack thereof), we still seem to be the only adults who get competitive at "The Derby".

Last year's cars:

This year was no exception with our cool looking cars and competitive nature. The only difference was that this year, WE SWEPT THE PINEWOOD DERBY! That's right-- we won... every single race. Lance only lost to me, and I was undefeated. It was an unforeseen occurrence and we were (are) so excited!

Although I was named Overall Winner (and have the certificate to prove it), Lance deserves all the credit. For the first time, I was too lazy to make my own car and Lance "slapped" one together for me at the last minute. Our cars not only won every race, but were also named Best Design (my blue bullet) and Runner-up for Best Design (Lance's 1939 Lincoln Zephyr).

It is ridiculous just how absolutely excited we were in the wake of our victory. We were riding our "winner's high" all night. Chances are, no one who was there can actually recall (nor care to recall) who won that night. But for Lance and I, it was an unforgettable day in the lives of this nerdy family...


Jen said...

Congrats! Those cars are pretty sweet. I hope you were nice to all the eight year olds you beat.

Marvin said...

Those are cool looking cars; Congrats. It is so hard to be so excited and yet remain cool. What was the secret this year???

Becky said...

I'm impressed with that "slapped together" car. (Remember we have some experience here with pinewood derbies, even if ours were just for Cub Scouts.) That's a fun-to-remember accomplishment. Congratulations!

Heidi Lyn said...

I'm amazed! I thought you guys were all style with no substance . . . I guess this proves me wrong.

Nieldfam said...

very impressive! we wouldn't have expected anything less from you two!

Danielle Harris said...

This totally cracks me up! I think it's great that you guys get so into something fun like that. By the way, thanks for sharing Lance with us! We LOVE our floors so far and I'm impressed he has put up with Chris's lack of "handiness" and love of talking about cars and other random things.