Monday, April 28, 2008

No Bueno

I have lost my camera. I am beside myself at this unfortunate event. My camera is like an appendage for me. I literally take hundreds of pictures each month. I am bereft.

I am blaming it on my kids. I keep my camera on the kitchen counter-- well within Zoie's grasp. Once one of my kids gets their hands on it, it could end up anywhere. We have turned the house inside out-- searching in toy bins and random cupboards; even places like the bathtub and refrigerator. There was even a horrific garbage search (on the day that I had cleaned out the fridge-- I still shudder at the memory).

This weekend Tobin has, at last, made the transition from being a crawling infant who occasionally walks to a bona fide walker. If I ever needed a camera, its now! I love the first stages of walking-- he looks like a little robot. I would have posted a really cute video to illustrate, but alas-- it is not meant to be.


Ellen said...

Find that camera STAT! I want to see Tobin walking!