Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Husband Tag!

This is my first "blog tag". Yay! I'm glad its about my husband. I don't say enough about him on this blog.

Stats: Lance grew up in Alpine, Utah and hence loves big trucks and extreme sports. Poor Lance has missed snowboarding, mountain biking,rock climbing, hiking and camping since we have moved to Florida. He loves painting, music, muscle cars, working out, and his kids (oh yeah-- and his wife!) Lance works in residential construction and has served in the Elder's Quorum Presidency for the last 3 years.

Us: I met Lance while working as a hostess at Chili's in Orem, Utah. I turned a corner, looked up and saw him-- tall, tan, green eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off him all night. He was different than any other guy I had dated. He was a constant challenge and I was determined to make him fall in love with me-- never would have dreamed we'd get married...

Inside Info: Seems gruff on the outside, but is a big softy underneath it all. He doesn't have an insincere bone in his body. He is honest to a fault. I have to admit it hurts to hear the truth to certain questions- (Do these jeans make me look fat?) But it is a trait that I have grown to love. Now I have no patience for insincerity in others. Lance makes me laugh harder than anyone and makes even the most mundane activities so fun. He truly is my best friend. I tell him anything and everything (ad nauseum).

What is his name? Lance

How long have you been married? 7 years this summer

How long did you date? a year and a half

How old is he? 30!

Who eats more? Lance-- but I'm close second

Who said "I love you" first? Lance (it was during a fight and he practically yelled it)

Who is taller? Lance (He's 6'4 so I can finally wear heels!)

Who sings better? Probably me-- but Lance has been known to do a decent Thom York

Who is smarter? I have the book smarts (31 on my A.C.T.- thank you very much!), but Lance DEFINITELY wastes me on common-sense and "street" smarts

Whose temper is worse? LANCE!

Who does the laundry? Me

Who does the dishes? Me

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Lance

Who pays the bills? Me

Who mows the lawn? Lance

Who cooks dinner? Me

Who drives when you are together? almost always Lance

Who is more stubborn? Its an ugly tie

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me

Whose parents do you see the most? We probably won't see mine for another 2 1/2 years-- We see Lance's like once a year.

Who proposed? Lance

Who has more friends? Lance has more, but I am closer with my friends

Who has more siblings? Lance

Who wears the pants? Lance (I spoil him rotten)

Okay-- I tag Jamie, Valli, and Jen Porter (ha!)


Carie said...

Hooray for happy marriages, you picked a good one.

Natalie said...

Tell Lance he'd better be a good sport! I loved all the insider info about such a cute couple.

johanson family said...

aw... i miss my friends! but not for long! ahhh! less than 30 days! i can't wait.
love you guys!

Ellen said...

What's this about not seeing us for another 2 1/2 years??? You WILL come to Prague, if I have to fly out to Florida and drag you back myself!

LAURA and ELIZA said...

CUTE! Lance is a very funny guy, but you 2 are hilarious together! I'm coming the end of April for like a week and a 1/2, we better hang out!

Natalie said...

I'm not going to be in Utah until March 25th. I'm so sad I'll be missing you guys. :( Maybe we'll have to come visit you in Florida or you guys can come to DC...

Heidi Lyn said...

Ummm . . . I'm a little insulted you didn't tag me. . .