Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Sincerest Form of Flattery

Before Zoie could even talk, she would put my cell phone up to her ear, throw her head back and laugh out loud. It was the cheesiest thing I have ever seen. However, when I wondered aloud where she would possibly get that weird habit from, Lance just looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I then realized that I, too, throw my head back and laugh out loud when I talk on the phone.

It scares me more than a little to realize just how much Zoie gleans from my behavior. She has become SUCH a cheese ball (I have no qualms admitting how cheesy I am).

Most mornings, I load the kids into the jogger and go running with my Ipod. Last night, Zoie put her dolls in her shopping cart, donned my headphones and proceeded to run through the house. I didn't realize how accurate she was until I went to put her in her jammies and found my Ipod shoved down her pull-ups. ( For the record, I do not keep my Ipod in my pants, but rather clipped onto my pants).


Carie said...

That is hilarious. Kids really do watch us and learn so much from us.

My poor kids!