Monday, September 24, 2012

Product Endorsement

Before I turned 30, I never worried about beauty products.  Don't misunderstand me, I indulged in makeup and hair treatments plenty-- but I never really paid too much attention to brands and regiments.  The older I get, the more effort and maintenance is required to look (at least semi) attractive.  I don't like it.  I've always considered myself to be low-maintenance.  But I have found a few products that I really love.

Glow, by Hard Candy.

I read a magazine article written by Jennifer Lopez's makeup artist in Allure.  He claims that Jennifer is quite pale and does not have a natural glow about her-- that it is all in the right makeup.  I think J. Lo is so beautiful.  I was encouraged to read that her luminous beauty is, in large part, a result of the right makeup regimen.

I am fortunate to have lived in places that allow me to swim and soak up the sun regularly for 7-8 months out of the year.  I love being tan and haven't had to "fake bake" in a very long time.  But I have found my solution for the winter months.  Glow is a bronzer that enhances a tan and produces a "natural glow".  I love it.  I bought a large bottle at Walmart (classy, I know) months ago and it is still going strong.

Essie Nail Polish

My sister introduced me to Essie.  I love it.  I rarely paint my fingernails because the polish chips too easily.  The only polish I will use on my fingers is Essie.  The colors are so subtle and gorgeous.  I recently bought the color "Master Plan" (see picture above).  Lance calls my nails, "Primer nails"-- but I get a ton of compliments when I wear it.

Philosophy, Falling in Love
I first discovered this scent while shopping in Fresno in 2007.  I have been obsessed with it for five years now.  I don't buy it very often (I am prone to cheap perfume knock-offs and haven't found one for Falling in Love yet).  Lance bought me a bottle of Falling in Love, Summer for our anniversary a few months ago.  Love it.

What I need are some recommendations for 1. skin care (I have never put much effort into my skin at all.  But now that I am over 30, I figure I better start doing something) and 2. mascara  I feel as though I have tried every conceivable mascara out there.  I have made a hobby of it.  But I am still looking for one mascara product that "wows" me.   So... speak up and tell me what your products are!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Slappy's 3

Chase didn't seem to have much concept of birthday celebrations.  I spent all last week telling him about cake and presents and singing "Happy Birthday".  It must have worked because I woke up yesterday with Chase by my bed saying "Its my happy birthday! Cake!  Presents!"  (Ahhhh... another birthday diva is created!)

We were low-key with this one (read: lazy).  Family party after church.  Boring store-bought cake.  I usually spring for one of the decorated, custom-made cakes at the bakery.  I had this one in mind:  
Superman & Friends
This is what we ended up with.  Lazy, but Chase loved it.

 The kid cleaned up with superhero toys.  He's in heaven.

Am I sad that my youngest is already 3?  Nope.  I am ecstatic.  I love this kid-- its fun to see him growing up.
I took this video for Lance's parents.  It was too big to send via email, so I am posting it here.  Its probably boring for the rest of you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

For the Last Time

I am potty training this week. For the last time.  This has become my mantra- "This is the last time I will ever have to do this."  Repeated over and over again-- in my head and out loud.  (Well, that and "potty training is for sucks".  I say that a lot too.)

Actually, Chase hasn't been that bad.  For starters, he and I are alone from 7:30 until 4:15 every day.  He gets way more personal attention than Zoie and Tobin ever did at this age.  Also, Slappy will be 3 this Sunday.  His "advanced" age have made this (relatively) painless.  And I am really not nearly as busy as I would have been if I were still living in Florida (read: not much social life).  I'm kind of enjoying that part.

Slappy has always been a challenging kid-- mostly due to his stubborn, loud personality.  But with all of this "alone" time that he and I have every day, I'm developing quite a soft spot for the kid.  I don't even mind (much) asking him in a happy, excited voice 10X an hour, "Want to go potty?" 

For the last time.  Ever.