Sunday, August 2, 2009

We are the Rasmussens... and this is the longest anniversary of our lives

(The Title of this post is an allusion to 24-- not a complaint)

This is what Lance and I were doing eight years ago today:Our past wedding anniversaries, we have celebrated in a variety of ways. Some include:

Snorkeling in the Bahamas
Weekend getaway in Orlando
Early morning mountain hike
A romantic dinner for two at nice restaurants

So how did we commemorate our union in 2009?

An all day and night marathon. We have never seen it. It has totally loved up to its hype. We watched the first season and a half over the weekend. (Thanks to a friend for taking our kids).

So as Lance and I (both pajama-clad) look at each other over our individual tubs of Ben & Jerry's during our 5th consecutive hour of 24, and ask, "are we losers?"

The answer is no... well maybe for other reasons. But this is how I see it: Its easy to have fun while doing something adventurous or glamorous. But it is when you can have an absolutely amazing time while sitting in pajamas watching television and eating ice cream that you know you have found the love of your life.


Ellen said...

Um, I think I'd love anyone who would watch TV and eat ice cream with me. Happy anniversary!

Sarah said...

Happy anniversary!! Our most favorite thing to do these days is put the kids to bed and cuddle up in our room with our netflix DVD's of Medium. We are about halfway through Season 3 now. I totally agree that you know you married the right one when something so simple gives you so much joy. You guys are cuter now that you were 8 years ago. Congratulations on eight awesome years!!

Wendy said...

Happy Anniversary! 24 is completely addictive - we can't start watching it unless we can watch the whole DVD and don't have to go to work the next day.

Lori said...

Happy anniversary! Seems like yesterday---or forever ago. Time's like that. I think that's a great way to spend the day, (or days. You'll end up watching the whole bunch sooner than later, I'm sure). I got a surprise the other day. I saw a verrrry churchy lady in our ward wearing a "Jack Bauer for president" tee shirt. I couldn't see her wasting time on Jack, like we did. Funny.
Love ya, guys

wildthayn said...

That's awesome!! Congratulations!! There's nothing wrong with watchin 24 for your anniversary!! You SHOULD do what you love!!

Heidi Lyn said...

24 is ADDICTIVE! I watched the first season and knew that unless I had a week free . . . I could never watch another. How fun that you were able to celebrate Jack Bauer style.

Danielle Harris said...

We have all the seasons, so we'll have to have a 24 night sometime! Just be prepared for my pushy husband to say, "Come on guys, just one more!" Congrats on 8 years. We are at 7 next month.

Sam and Jackie Chapman said...

24 is super addicting. Sounds like a great anniversary and it's true about having fun even in the dullest activities.

Natalie said...

Good for you two! And it's about time you started watching 24. I mean, come on!