Monday, May 18, 2009

Lucky Enough

My best friend has a quote on her blog:

"If you're lucky enough to live by the beach, you're lucky enough."
I concur.I thoroughly intend to enjoy this summer at the beach-- it will be the first summer in years that I do not have an infant who needs constant care.

Zoie and Tobin entertain themselves with the sand and the water. Although, Zoie does not understand the concept of not opening her eyes under the water. Wintess:And I couldn't help but notice a startling similarity here: (Hint- Tobin is the one on the right)

Stay tuned for many, many more beach pictures of the kids over the next four months. I will not be in any of them. From here on out, you will be hard-pressed to find a picture of me on this blog-- much less a picture of me in a swimsuit. Downright masochistic. But rest assured, I am laying on the shore, working on my tan, and loving every minute of this Florida summer.


Jen said...

Florida is the BEST. I hope you and I find time for at least one beach trip sans kids. I will even buy you an inflatable tire!

Carie said...

The beach. Alas we have none of that here or anywhere nearby. It's a downer.

(I really appreciate the picture of Daniel Craig.)

Nieldfam said...

oh so jealous!