Monday, July 7, 2008

Zoie Versace

Zoie and I have many battles... many, many battles. One I choose not to fight is her wardrobe. She is old enough to dress herself and as long as we are not going out in public, I do not censure her appearance. It is hilarious to see the outfits this kid comes up with.

Case in point-- a ballerina outifit that she outgrew last year with pink tennis shoes and 3 ponytails on her head.


Wrights said...

Kira..your blog is so cute! I just finally realized how to put links to other people's blogs so I can get to them easier - it only took me 6 months:) Anyway..Brooklyn is the exact same way. She mixes and matches the weirdest things, but I keep telling myself she's just expressing herself..I figure there are worse things she could be doing.

The Pope Family said...

That is too funny. My boys could care less what they wear, so I get to dress them how I want. The only request I ever hear is, "can I wear the spiderman shirt?"