Thursday, May 22, 2008

Aunt Kaylee

Last week Lance's little sister Kelly came to visit us from Hawaii. Zoie's best friend's name is Kaylee and Zoie could not accept the name Kelly into her vocabulary-- so Aunt Kaylee it is.

She was only here for a few days, but we kept her busy. When it comes to entertaining people, I love living in Florida. During her short stay we managed to:

  • Go to Adventure Island (the water park): there was no one there and not a single line. Kelly and I hit some of the water slides. I haven't been on one in ten years. They were SO FUN! I even got to take Zoie and Tobin on a couple of them.
  • Hit the Beach: the forecast called for rain, but we chanced it anyway. It was one of those perfect beach days: no crowds, no rain, warm water, good kids.
  • See Iron Man: Kelly's treat. Loved the movie! Thanks, Kel.
  • Go to church (obviously): I am the Education Counselor in Relief Society and had to give an impromptu lesson when the teacher got sick. Thanks to Kelly for wrestling with Tobin during the lesson. (I have no pictures of this, but picture me nervously speaking extemporaneously and Tobin squirming in the back of the room.)
  • Busch Gardens: Again, it was supposed to be rainy. Therefore, no lines, no crowds-- we saw all the animals and rode all the rides (multiple times) before the rain came.
It was such a fun week. I love having people visit. It is like a vacation for us too. Come see us and we will keep you busy! Thanks again, Kelly!


Ellen said...

Hey, if I come will you keep my busy, too? Plan on it in a couple of years!

Natalie said...

Sounds like so much fun! Maybe we'll have to make a trip down...

Kelly said...

I'm pretty sure I didn't authorize that picture of the beach day...NOT OK! Good thing I love you guys! should send me that picture of me and Tobin with his life vest all up in his face...yay! Thanks again, for everything you guys, it was so much fun!!!