Friday, April 4, 2008

Punk Rock Mom

Lance called yesterday and told me that he was coming home early to watch the kids while I took the rest of the day off to get my hair done. What a thoughtful husband.

Mistake #1: I went to a new stylist

Mistake #2: I went into my hair appointment without a concrete idea of what I wanted done.

Mistake #3: I told the stylist I wanted something "fun."

Mistake #4: I didn't ask for clarification when he asked if I had an office job and seemed relieved when I said "no."

Six hours later:

My face is stained with hair dye, the streaks are bright pink/red and I'm pretty sure that April is my month to conduct in Relief Society. Oh well. What can you do?


Filetti Family said...

Yeah the pictures don't do it justice. I can't wait to see your hair in person. I'm sure it looks HOT!

Jen said...

I like it a lot! In fact, I've been tempted to dye my hair that awesome red color all over! Paulo always said that color fades pretty fast so maybe it won't be so bold after a few washes.

Ellen said...

If it makes you feel any better, all the women wear their hair like that in Europe. You'll fit right in when you come to Prague.

Nieldfam said...

You'll be the ONLY mom in style. From the pictures I think it looks good. What did Lance say?
I am getting my hair cut on Tuesday... It must be that time of year. are looking sooo skinny in those pictures.

Liz's Blog said...

I'm so glad that I picked this month to come home for a visit! I can't wait to see you conduct RS next sunday in your punk hair do! I'm sure you are now the coolest member of the RS Presidency...don't tell Crista..haha

Heidi Lyn said...

The funniest part is that I was trying to figure out which bright color I could add to my hair just a few days ago.

I decided on purple. How silly would it be if we BOTH showed up to church on Sunday you with pink stripes and me with purple???

Natalie said...

That is HILARIOUS! I have bad luck with haircuts too. Luckily my last one was perfect. You really don't look bad, but I understand how you feel...