Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Utah 2012

We spent over 10 days in Utah.  It was such a great time. 

We were able to spend time with both the Rasmussens and the Slovaceks for Christmas. 
We ate at my Mom's AMAZING pizzeria (Nicolitalia's in Provo) no less than three times.
We took the kids sledding for the first time.
We all went to see the lights at Temple Square.
Lance was able to snowboard for the first time in 8 years (and only ran into one tree!)

It was amazing to have so much uninterrupted family time.  The kids were in heaven with aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. We relaxed and did whatever we wanted.

The only drawback: it was freezing cold and snowy.  Everyday.  As much fun as we had, it was a relief to get back to the South where single digits temps are unheard of.

Some of my favorite pictures from the trip:

Braving the cold at Temple Square in Salt Lake

The whole Slovacek family

One of my favorite pictures of all time

Zoie- all bundles up to go sledding

The boys-- sledding

Lamest little snowman ever

Lunch with my old roomies

The kids loved helping at Papa's restaurant

Future busboy


Wendy said...

I can't believe how grown-up Zoie looks!