Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This Weekend

I love Easter weekend. We had some egg dyeing, a couple of Easter egg hunts, went to my Mom's church, and had a glutinous Easter dinner with family.

This year, Zoie and Tobin are finally understanding the meaning of Easter-- so we had some great conversations about "atonement" and "resurrection". It was a nice change from all the questions surrounding the Easter Bunny (which is the one holiday symbol I hate-- having said that, he did, in fact, make a begrudging appearance...).

Anyway, good weekend.



Holy cow! I didn't think it had been THAT long since I'd seen you but your kids are SO grown up! Chase is like a little man now! I can't believe how fast time goes by these days! Happy Eatser Rasmussens! (

Ellen said...

Cutest kids EVER!!