Friday, November 5, 2010


I am an incurable optimist. (At this point-- people who know me well are laughing). But its true-- I am. I am the annoying kind. If you ever want to complain or vent about something, I am the insensitive friend who feels the need to point out how your crappy situation is actually a fantastic blessing.

You feel like you need to lose weight? Just think of the millions of starving orphans in the world!
You have a bad job? At least you are not unemployed.
Did a friend stab you in the back? Just one less person you have to send a Christmas card to. Lucky you!

You get the point. I am an irritating, insensitive optimist. It really bugs me when people insist on throwing themselves pity parties and dwelling on the negative.

But having said that-- here are a few things that suck:
1. Daylight Savings ending. Just when the weather is cooling off and my kids are playing in the backyard for hours every evening, Daylight Savings ends. Next week-- it will be dark by 6 pm, and they will be transferring all of that energy and noise indoors.(This picture was taken a couple of hours ago. If you are wondering why Tobin is wearing his Halloween costume on November 5th-- well, I am wondering the same thing.)

2. Sinus infections

3. Beets- who eats beets... and why?4. Country music. All of it.

I am sure that there are more things that really suck, but those are the only things that come to mind right now.

In order to create balance-- here are a few things that I am in love with as of late:
1. Jeans. The only article of clothing I will actually spend more than $20 on. A good pair of jeans can make you feel comfortable and beautiful at the same time. While trying to lose weight, the actual numbers on the scale mean less to me than the way my jeans fit. As soon as my jeans feel tight, I know I need to pull out the Phentermine and P90x. I recently acquired this pair:

I LOVE them-- like, the thought of wearing them gets me out of bed in the morning.

2. Tampa Bay Lightning. I have been a hockey fan since 1994 (thank you Jen). I converted Lance and we love listening to and watching the games. I am so proud of the Lightning this season (currently #2 in the NHL).

3. Publix Supermarkets- where shopping truly is a pleasure.

4. Blast O' Butter popcorn. I am rediscovering this disgusting, buttery, delicious, artery-clogging treat. If you try it-- bring napkins.And there are MANY more things that I love, but these are the things occupying my simple mind lately.


Carie said...

Great post.

"I am wondering the same thing" that made me laugh right out loud.

Ellen said...

Add to your list crunchy, juicy apples, and getting hot potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil at a football game to warm your hands. (Arlington High school)

kevin and lyndi 2013 said...

Believe it or not...Annie loves beets. A taste she has not acquired from me as I gag while making them for her and continue to do so several minutes after. As far as country music goes...I hear ya. But do help me out, Mrs. do I turn "I can't even listen to the radio because all they do is play country, more country, and even more country on every station" into a positive situation? Please help.

Kira said...

Lyndi- Sorry to say that country music has no up side. Not one. Maybe you can just get to know your ipod really well!

Wrights said...

Jeans = happiness. I totally agree. I've been known to spend exorbitant amounts of money on jeans. HOWEVER, I recently got two pairs of very cute jeans at Target - who would've guessed.

Having said that, I am a HUGE country music fan. But then, I do live in Utah.

Heidi Lyn said...

Mother- crunchy juicy apples are an abomination. loud, noisy and irritating.

Kira- Tobin is adorable in his costume. Let him never take it off.

Publix, for the record, is such an amazing store. I've heard that some places even have curbside pick up! Isn't it dreamy?????