Thursday, August 5, 2010


I love these two boys.

They just couldn't be more different from each other. Tobin is mellow and easy going. Chase is moody and intense.

Tobin's appearance is truly "Slovacek" (as evidenced by his giant head and stocky build-- like me). Chase is the spitting image of Lance as a baby.I don't know if anyone would ever peg them as brothers, but luckily they both happen to be hilarious and adorable!


Lori said...

Those guys dad was a mellow little boy and a moody, intense teenager. Maybe Chase will get over it early! Yea. But you do know you can't have THREE perfectly behaved kids!

Kira said...

Lori-- I would be happy with ONE perfectly behaved kid. I am beginning to realize that there is no such thing...

But I remind your son frequently that my kids do not get their mood swings from me. :)

Ellen said...

I LOVE the last picture! It captures the personalities perfectly.

Natalie said...

At least they're all adorable, right?