Monday, April 12, 2010

Today I Am Grateful For...

(This post was originally titled "Worst. Morning. Ever."-- this is my positive spin on the day.)

1. My house. If we lived in a condo or apartment, the neighbors would surely have complained about all of Chase's crying. He has turned diva on us and insisted on a back scratch at 5:30 am, 6:15 am, 7 am, in order to fall back asleep.
2. Biceps. No matter how weak they may be, they are in high demand this morning-- as this diva baby of mine refuses to be content doing anything other than being held. Every little task is more difficult when carrying a giant baby.

3. The Shop-Vac. Walking into my kids' room, I was greeted with an exploded bean bag chair-- which is bad enough on its own, but I suspect I walked in post "bean-fight". The little beans are in the blankets, the clothes hamper, bookcase, under the beds, etc...

4. Clorox wipes and baby wipes. Today is the first day of Spring Break-- a perfect time to attempt (for the 3rd time) potty-training with my newly minted three year-old, right? He disagrees. We have used many a wipe this morning.

5. Diet Coke. I haven't had one in a solid week. I think I have earned one today.

6. The Book of Mormon. When I became overwhelmed, I read 3 Nephi-- when Christ blessed the Nephite children. It helped. I suppose if Heavenly Father sees value in these kids of mine, I will keep them for another day...

7. Bluto. My 5 year-old Boxer who is the only other living specimen in this house who has not made me crazy this morning. He's a good boy.

I am sure there are a few more things that belong on this list. I have to end this post, as I smell poop and I can only hope it originated from one of the two diapered bottoms in my house-- and not the newly-underweared three year-old.


Heidi Lyn said...

Wow! It's still early in the day . . . you can make it through the day. Hang in there.

Ellen said...

Ah, it's hard being a mom. But hold on to those precious moments--they fade so quickly. Well, maybe you can let go of the poopy smells, and hang on to the rest.

Wendy said...

Got to love those kiddos! My thoughts are with you and the potty-training. That battle continues here at our house. I didn't realize how easy I had it with Lisa.