Saturday, June 30, 2012


The night before we left on our Utah vacation, Lance's company offered him a job promotion-- which included relocation to Houston, Texas.  After fasting, prayer, and a trip to the temple-- we accepted.  Lance left for Houston the day we returned from Utah.  The kids and I stayed behind to finish work, school, and pack up the house.

 It was a whirlwind of stress and excitement.  I flew to Houston for 3 days to help Lance find a place to live.  Houston is the 4th largest city in the United States.  We had a LOT of options.  It was overwhelming.  By chance, we ended up working with the GREATEST REALTOR EVER.  We found ourselves in Kingwood-- a master planned community located northeast of Houston.  It is truly gorgeous.  I am in love with Kingwood.

 The drive out here was LOOOOONG.  The moving truck's governor kicked in at 70 mph.  Tobin threw up in the middle of an Olive Garden.  The bank screwed up and cancelled my debit card mid-trip.  We drove through Louisiana.  We found out the power would not be on once we arrived at the new house.  It was a harrowing couple of days.
My view for two days
But we are here.  And we are happy.  We miss Florida.  We miss family, and friends that are as close as family.  We miss the beach.  We will miss hockey games.  I really miss my city on the bay.  Lance really misses hog hunting.  But Houston is working out for us.  Its a fantastic area.  We are very blessed.

Now come visit!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Utah 2012

We took a fabulous trip to Utah in May.  We were able to stay for 10 days and see and do so much.  Here are the highlights:

Airplane:  Ok, not a highlight.  It was long-- I think this picture says it all (there is a whole story behind flying in a diaper-- its not the norm.)  But the kids were well-behaved and I have to say that it is wonderful not to have any more babies to fly with.

Rasmussen Family: I love the Rasmussens.  We got to play with cousins, go hiking and shooting.  And the food.  Oh my goodness, the food.

Slovaceks:  We got to see my parents' new digs in Lehi.  They have a gorgeous house.  I miss my parents.

Grandpa Dickson: I have the best Grandpa.  Because of distance, we don't get to see him very often.  He drove to Utah from Seattle (he's 91!) for the weekend.  My kids were finally able to meet my amazing Grandpa.

Friends: We were able to see many (not all) of our friends in Utah.  I loved having lunch with my old roommates. I still can't believe it has been 14 years since Catie, Brooke and I were wreaking havoc in Raintree #344. 

Family Outings:  We took the rented minivan on many a tour through old Alpine, Alpine Loop, and Heber. We took the kids hiking up to Sliding Rock.  We found some really cool parks in Pleasant Grove and Alpine.  We also went shooting on the far side of Utah Lake.  Just a heads up:  don't give Slappy a gun.

We will be back in Utah in October for the wedding of these crazy kids!  Can't wait!