Thursday, December 22, 2011

The "Real" Rasmussen Family Letter

I'm always so amused by Christmas letters. Not everyone can have had a busy year, every child can not be good at everything. So I set out to write an honest family update-- without being too negative. Its still pretty cheesy-- here is my attempt at honesty...

2011 has been eventful for our family. We found that we outgrew our Brandon home, so we moved to a larger, newer home in the neighboring city of Riverview. We love having the elementary school, parks, pools and tennis courts right in the neighborhood. Here is the condensed version of the Rasmussen clan this year:

Chase (2) is in the throes of terrible twos. He prefers grunting and physically pushing us around to actually speaking, but isn’t afraid to yell at us if necessary. We sure do love the kid—but are so glad he’s the last one! He loves playing outside and eating crackers. He looks and acts just like his Dad (who also grunts and eats crackers).

Tobin (4) started preschool this year. Lately, he’s has been trying his hand at comedy—with mixed results. Typical 4 yr. old boy, most of his punch lines have something to do with poop. Potty humor and all, Tobin is just an easy kid to have around.

Zoie (almost 7) is a 1st grade phenom—particularly with reading and spelling. However, with genius comes a bit of attitude. She has an inner diva that comes out when we dare to “make her mad” (her words). She loves to draw and act out plays for us.

Kira likes to think she’s a fantastic Mom—but deep down she knows better. She loves her husband to death and loves her kids most of the time. She was released as the ward Primary President when we moved, but was relieved to be put right back in the Primary as soon as we arrived in the new ward. She is a graduate student in the field of Educational Leadership. We worry about her addiction to microwave popcorn.

Lance has been traveling quite a bit in his role as Project Manager for a restoration company. This year, he has run jobs in Houston, Jacksonville, Naples and all over Tampa Bay. We can’t help but wonder of Kira’s addiction to microwave popcorn hasn’t come as a result of single motherhood—due to Lance’s travel schedule. When he’s home, he is the resident playground and stand-up comedian.

We love this time of year when we have a reason to shop, eat sweets non-stop for a full month, open presents, and listen to cheesy Christmas carols. Most importantly, it’s wonderful to celebrate our Savior Jesus Christ. We are so grateful for all of our blessings. Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2011


So... the new garage and driveway are a bit smaller than I am used to. Luckily, my husband is awesome and the Tahoe is now sporting a new driver's side mirror.

Just a few days later, I knocked a decorative jar off the kitchen counter. It was filled with some goop and what looked like peaches. It looked cute in the kitchen. It did not look nearly as cute splattered all over the kitchen floor. Turns out-- the "goop" was colored vinegar. My house smelled like vinegar for days.

Later that night, Lance was messing around with the alarm system-- in an attempt to turn down the volume on the voice that alerts us whenever an outside door is opened. Long story short, people in the greater Riverview area no doubt heard an alarm going off from 10:30 to 11:15 pm. After many frantic, (useless) phone calls to ADT, Lance ripped a small box off the wall in the garage. It worked.

Giving Thanks... Florida Style

My parents are moving to Utah soon. In fact, my Dad leaves next week. I am so sad about that. But I knew that this would most likely be our last Thanksgiving with them for a while. It was a good one.

I am grateful that we can fry the turkey outside in flip-flops.

I am grateful that my kids can run around and play outside while we make all the side dishes.
I am grateful for my parents-- the best Mom and Dad-- and the very best "Papas" in the world. They will be so missed.

This year, in particular, I am grateful for a husband who works so hard and makes so many sacrifices for our family. (This was what I said when it was my turn to say something I was grateful for. As a side note, Lance said that this year, in particular, he was grateful for his iphone).

I am so happy with my life and have much to be grateful for!

Saying Goodbye

We love our new house. Its is absolutely perfect for us right now. When we go back to our old home, it feels old and small in comparison. It was a good move. The closing date for our old house is next week. And even though we will be relieved to have it sold, there are so many memories associated with the house, its hard not to feel a twinge of sadness.

I lived in that house twice as long as I have ever lived in any other house... ever (almost 7 years).

We put so much work into making that house perfect for our growing family (and by "we", I mean Lance).

All three of my kids were born while living there; they all took their first steps in that house.

Our crazy Boxer jumped through a closed window, a screen door and chewed through a door at that house.

We planted a tiny little magnolia tree in our front yard years ago and now it is a huge tree. Lance swears he is going to check up on that tree through the years.

Its crazy to think that Lance and I bought that house as a family of two (and a half-- I was pregnant), and we moved out as a family of five.

Thanks for all the years of memories and love, Shadow Pine Drive. You will be remembered fondly... (except you, evil air conditioning unit!)

Lazy Halloween

Halloween is usually one of our favorite holidays.
Need I remind you of Halloween 2010?
Or Halloween 2008?Or even back to Halloween 2005?Well, in comparison, Halloween 2011 was a sad affair. We moved on November 1st so Halloween didn't rank among our top priorities this year. So sad. Luckily, Jen took pity on our kids and took them trick or treating with Ryder. I'm so grateful that she took pictures of the event. (No, Chase didn't even get a new costume for the holiday-- stop judging me!)

And In October...

I cut my hair. I love short hair. I did it spontaneously, so I didn't cut it quite as short as I wanted. (When you pay $15 for a haircut, proceed with caution). Its has already grown out quite a bit, so it may be time to spring for the more expensive short cut that I really want.
Here is the before shot (kind of an awkward, lame pose-- looks like I really need to pee):
And some after shots:
And here is what I think I want: (of course I have to remind myself that I will neither look like Jennifer Aniston nor Victoria Beckham when I get the haircut).

Back in September...

In September, these boys had a birthday:
Chase turned 2-- with a Toy Story birthday party

Lance turned 34-- with a decidedly less interesting party (well, it had fewer costumes, anyway)
Have I mentioned that these two are pretty much identical in both appearance and personality -- just separated by 32 years?